Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Criminology The Evolution of Crime Essay - 1003 Words

Criminology has evolved over history into becoming a discipline all its own, along the way it grew and developed from a multiple sources of disciplines to become an integration of various theories. Reasons that seek to explain crime and deviant behaviors has mirrored the time in which research was being conducted and as time continues to change it is to be expected more theories will arise to incorporate past theories to become ever more inclusive. It is important to understand this development from the formulation of theories, the evolution of, the determining factors in testing, particular process such as social learning that are upheld as strong empirically sound theories in order for scholars to continue to advance further studies. But†¦show more content†¦1). Criminology arose from the social scientific community over the year and has since come into its own discipline, it examines the entire process of lawmaking, law breaking, and law enforcing† (as cited in Aker s, Sellers, 2013). Criminology seeks to discover the depth of crime at both the micro and macro levels, from the individual’s natural biological and psychological characteristics, the nurturing of social and structural institutions, to policy, prevention and control. Most importantly are that theories must be clear and understandable so that they may be tested, otherwise they will be undermined and unable to be put up against practice. Theories are expected to pass certain prerequisites laid out in science i.e. logical consistency, scope and parsimony. Or in other words a theory should be clearly defined, incorporate an inclusive scope, but is explained using a limited reasoning. A theory is best if it can avoid being tautological in nature, although sometimes unavoidable, nevertheless a theories empirical validity and reliability is what the scientific community relies upon when determining the overall value of theories. After all, the ultimate reason scientist theorize is to solve the puzzle orShow MoreRelatedEssay about Criminological Theories1544 Words   |  7 Pages One in particular is the different theories of crime and how they affect the criminal justice system. The Classical School of criminology is a theory about evolving from a ca pital punishment type of view to more humane ways of punishing people. Positivist criminology is maintaining the control of human behavior and criminal behavior. 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